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Our Services

Our offerings address traditional provider operations with an emphasis on the unique complexities of academics and teaching hospitals. These services extend to every aspect of the health system impacting operations, reimbursement, and financial performance.  


System-wide Strategic Planning

We work with existing teaching programs to evaluate the organization’s current academic footprint. In addition, we assist non-teaching hospitals in assessing the feasibility of developing new teaching programs to address physician shortages and clinical needs. Our evaluation includes assessing organizational governance structures, opportunities for faculty practice performance improvement, and aligning incentives across existing programs and academic medical center component entities. 

We take a holistic approach to developing a system-wide strategy to design future models that support the organization’s mission, mitigate regulatory risk, and serve the community’s needs. A comprehensive strategic plan allows our clients to align missions across the enterprise to enhance the value of medical education in the organization and create long-term benefits for the community. 

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We assist our clients in creating a vision, strategy, and blueprint for community, institution, and program success​.

Strategic considerations include:

  •   Community/Organizational needs assessment

  •   Medical school alignment​

  •   Governance/Operating structure​

  •   Improve resource allocation through faculty contracting​

  •   Explore rural hospital designation and expansion   opportunities​

  •   GME rightsizing and cap management opportunities​

  •   Evaluate cost report arbitrage through cap transfer agreements and affiliations​

Performance Improvement​

We work with our clients to assess performance across the academic enterprise. Our tailored recommendations support the alignment of academic performance goals across stakeholders, financial management, resource allocation, and organizational structure​. Developing operational and organizational strategies to improve financial performance across the organization and ambulatory network is critical to optimizing GME performance. 

Leveraging recent changes in CMS rules and regulations can support program expansion and provide greater reimbursement allowing organizations to broaden their primary care capabilities and contribute to the organization’s financial success.

Modern Doctors

" Improving clinical, operational, quality, and financial indicators requires transparent and real time resource management."

Key areas of review include:​

  •      Ambulatory operations​

  •      Faculty/Staffing requirements​

  •      Faculty/resident scheduling​

  •      Community/FQHC/Rural integration​

  •      Reimbursement enhancement​

  •      Faculty/Resident leverage​

  •      Coverage benefits​

GME Development and Expansion

Developing primary care teaching programs in select community hospitals is a strategy many systems utilize to address some of their most significant organizational challenges. Many community hospitals and health systems have the opportunity to establish new programs and receive funding for training, while existing teaching organizations may explore expansion in select service areas. In the wake of changing market pressures, hospitals have begun to embrace GME as a vehicle to solve the primary care physician shortage. A strategic plan for developing new and expanding existing programs should be based on the organization’s mission, economic risk tolerance, physician support, and the impact on outpatient care needed to support the community.

Patient X-ray

Understanding the economics and cash flow are critical drivers of the value and the success of potential new programs.

Evaluation criteria include:​

  •    Adequacy of existing clinical services to support potential new programs​

  •    Specialty training requirements​

  •    GME reimbursement profile​

  •    Cash flow implications and timeline​

  •    Community and organization physician needs assessment

  •    Facility space evaluation to determine redesign requirements​

Osteopathic Medical School Accreditation Support - New and Expanding

With the physician shortage estimated to be 124,000 by 2034, new development and expansion of medical schools across the country are helping to meet the growing demand for physicians. Our services provide universities and proposed osteopathic medical schools with a guidance through the three-stage osteopathic accreditation process for new and expanding medical schools. We provide hands-on consulting, working directly with the organization’s leadership and staff to ensure a successful accreditation outcome. Our commitment to provide advice through our experts’ in-sights and knowledge that will guide clients through the accreditation process.


The physician shortage is estimated to be 124,000 by 2034.

Key areas of review and support include:

  • Governance and Policies

  • Curricular Planning

  • Financial Pro forma/Business Plan

  • Clinical Education Planning

  • GME Feasibility Study

  • Faculty and Staffing

  • Feasibility Analysis

  • Economic Impact Assessment

  • Facility Programming

Feasibility Analysis and Business Planning

Feasibility analysis and business planning is a requirement of the accreditation process for the development of any new medical school. It will provide institutions with valuable insights into the healthcare needs of your community and state, a market analysis, environmental data scan, and a thorough review of your pro forma. This study also includes an economic impact analysis, providing the estimated financial impact of a developing new medical school for years to come. Our team also reaches out to community members to provide a broad perspective of the strengths, threats, opportunities and the possible unique challenges ahead as our clients work diligently to meet the growing demands for more physicians in nearly every state of the country.


Community Health Assessment

Health care providers, health systems, and medical and health professional schools recognize that the social needs of our communities and individuals have a long-term health impact. We now know that these issues are best addressed through collaboration with communities through intent, and in addressing the systemic causes that contribute to health inequities. Our team works closely through community engagement and national comprehensive data collection and analysis, in order to identify key health needs, barriers and social determinants that can best support the development of community health improvement and engagement in a collaborative manner.

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Southport, NC



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